HOME NOTICES International Forum---2018 “Fashion • Technology • Talent”

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International Forum---2018 “Fashion • Technology • Talent”

October 19, 2018, “2018 International Forum—Fashion Technology Talent” was held successfully in Zhejiang Sci-Tech University (ZSTU). Scholars, experts, and enterprise representatives from China, Japan, Korea, America, Australia,Tanzania, Cambodia and faculty, students of ZSTU attended the forum.

The forum was guided by China Fashion Association, Zhejiang Fashion Industry Federation, and Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, co-sponsored by Zhejiang Hopeshow Industrial CO.LTD, and Fashion College of ZSTU, organized by Fashion College of ZSTU. The forum gathered the scholars, experts in the academic area of textile and apparel education, elites of fashion and technical industries together to have a discussion, built an integrate platform of production and education, with the background of ‘new economy’ and ‘new environment’, and explored fashion sustainable development methods and values from the perspectives of the global concern of Green ecological environment protection.

Opening ceremony was held at 8:30 am. The ceremony was hosted by Zhu Xiaohang, Secretary of the party committee, of Fashion College, addressed by Zou Fengyuan, Dean of Fashion College. Dean Zou summarised the current development situation and gratifying achievements gained in academic field of Fashion, and raised proposals of international exchange, co-operation, and all-win with overseas universities, and enterprises. In the following processing, Hu Xun, Vice-dean of Fashion College, signed the Agreement on “Talent Incubation---Innovation, Creation, and Entrepreneurship”, with General Manager Chen Liping, Hangzhou Longtong Textile Co., Ltd. Besides, appointment ceremony of off-campus supervisors was held, Lou Shenghua (Vice-Director, Office of Academic Services, ZSTU), Zhang Qi (Vice-Director, Scientific Research Institute, ZSTU), presented the certificates of off-campus supervisors for enterprises initiators, Cai Fangjun, Chen Liping, Mou Mengxi, Zhu Jianshan, Zhang Zhongyan, Tao Jingqiu, and Cao Aihua.

The keynote speeches began at 9:00 am. Experts, scholars, and elites from Tongji University, East China Normal University, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, University of North Texas, Academy of Art University, Suwon Women's University, Bunka Gakuen University, RMIT University, University of Dar Es Salaam, Fujen Catholic University, Textile and Fashion Industry Training Center in Singapore, Alibaba Groups, etc, focusing on the theme of ‘sustainable fashoin’, gave the lectures from perspectives of ‘Fashion Development with Consideration of Natural Ecological Environment Protection’, ‘Fashion Transformation & Social Ecological Environment Change’, ‘Ecological Business Model of Fashion Industry’, and ‘New Consumer Culture in Fashion Industry & Lifestyle’, shard the research result and thinking about personal & team work in futural fashion industry and personnel training, discussed about science’s influence on talents, institutions, spaces and thus changes resulted. More thoughtfully, the forum analyzed the method of integration of science and fashoin, to realize the conception of modeling and developing China textile & fashoin industry with the features of innovation-driven scientific industry, responsibility-focused green industry, and culture-guiding fashion industry, and built the new future of textile & fashion industry.

Group Picture of the forum

Dean Zou, addressed for Opening Ceremony